Sometime in the future and sonic is found and reunited with his friends
"Is it just me, or has metal been acting more weird and strange lately?" said Sonic to his group of friends and acquaintances as they were eating some "mexican" chili dogs at restaurant called Metallicó's Churros
"What makes you say that sonic?" Asked Tails his two tailed fox friend
"Well ever since the shattering and Eggman getting some new henchmen, Metal been acting stranger and stranger after each encounter, you wouldn't believe what happened with my last fight with him, heck how it started" sonic remarked about the last battle he had with Metal sonic
"All right, Metal! I know you're here let's get this over wi-" Sonic yelled out as he reached the area metal sonic was reported to be in, but as he decelerate he saw no metal sonic anywhere to be seen
" uh Tail's you said he was here right? Your device isn't broken?" asked Sonic to his trusty sidekick from his ear piece communicating with Tails
"Yeah according to reports and this radar I invented, Metal should be in the area you're in?" Responded back
"I am in the area right now and the only thing I see is a flock of Flickies on this tree and no Metal Sonic? Responded Sonic
And sure enough there was a bunch of flicky's hanging around on this tree chirping about and hanging, he might as well go closer and ask the flicky's if they had seen Metal sonic, he helped them out in the past maybe they have seen him nearby.
As he was about to do that he heard them chirping.
Chirp, chirp
Chirp chirp
"Well, it seems like one of these Flickys was feeding from something to make that nois-" as Sonic said that, he was face to face with Metal all right, what he did not expect was Metal wearing what is essentially a giant Flicky costume.
That was all Sonic could say about the absurdity of the situation before Metal threw a grenade at him and as Sonic dodged it he smelled something foul from it before he did take notice what the smell is, Metal appeared before him still wearing that giant Flicky costume and punched him in the back and pushed into the trajectory of the grenade, and as the grenade exploded, sonic was then covered in a white and sticky substance and one quick sniff and he knew what it was.
"Really Metal!? You threw a grenade filled with Flicky poop, it will take me weeks to get it out of my quills, not to mention the smell!" Yelled out Sonic somewhat pissed for Metal Antic.
As he said that Metal was already speeding away, Sonic was about to run after him, but he was stuck on the ground noticing how stuck he was, turns out the flicky excrement wasn't the only thing he filled it up with.
"Tails, do you copy" asked Sonic in a deadpan noise
"Yeah I'm here, what's up?" Asked tails
"I need you to get me Out of something, I'm stuck in something and its preventing me from chasing Metal, oh and grab a cleaning supplies would ya buddy?" Sonic stated.
"Uh why do you need the last part?" Questioned tails about why Sonic needed hygiene products.
"It will make sense when you get here" Sonic said as he sees the Flicky's crowding around him.
Flashback ends
"Oh yeah, you kind of reeked for like a week after that fight" sheepishly Tails said as he remembered that particular incident.
"Sonic, you're not the only one who thinks Metal acting weird more than usual" Said Vector at the table.
"What did he do to you?"
So I was at Cream's house and-" said Vector before he was cut off by Charmy
"He was on a date with Vanilla and smooched Metal sonic disguised as her" giggled Charmy blurting it out as he was busy eating his chili dog
"Wait, you actually kissed Metal Sonic?" Sonic asked not sure whether he finds it funny or again weird Metal sonic is acting this way
"The Worst part of that story is that Metal wasn't even trying that hard disguising himself as Vanilla, in fact he was wearing some stilts and Vanilla's dress while wearing some bunny ears" Espio bluntly told of Vector's misfortune.
Scene shift as Vector was about to kiss Metal the second time in the Kitchen Cream, Espio and Charmy enter the kitchen in the Cream household
"AHHHHHHH!!! MR VECTOR IS KISSING MY MOM!" yelled out cream seeing the scene unfolded before her
A ninja star was thrown by Espio at Metal and the dress was ripped off Metal and revealed Metal in his Metal glory.
"...OH GOD I KISSED METAL MOVE ASIDE I NEED MOUTHWASH!" yelled out Vector as he ran towards the bathroom looking for said mouthwash only to find Vanilla tied up and looking annoyed as she was trapped in the bathroom, hearing the Vector smooth talking Metal poorly disguised as her.
As that happened, Metal grabbed the Cookies that were in the oven that was made by Vanilla and gave some to Cream, Espio and Charmy, with them stunned that Metal gave them cookies before they snapped out and saw him speed away from them with a bag of cookies with the remaining cookies on one hand still hot off the pan.
"Wow that's kinda embarrassing for you eh Vector?" Sonic said smirking on how easy Vector got fooled by a poorly Disguised Metal.
" ah shut it poop head" remarked back Vector
"Metal returned back to Vanilla's home and did something even weirder than what happened with Vector" Espio said as he remembered that specific event that occurred when only he returned back to their home.
Espio returned to Vanilla's home and the only reason that Charmy and Vector wasn't with him, was that Charmy was asleep at night and Vector was too embarrassed to face vanilla after flirting and kissing Metal.
Scene shifts as Espio was in Cream's room as Vanilla called them to get rid of some "monsters" under Cream's bed, Espio initially thought it was strange that Vanilla is asking them to get rid of imaginary monster under Cream's bed but she was paying them, so he might as well see what these "monsters" were.
"Mr Espio there monsters under My bed" Cream whispered to Espio
"Sigh…. Cream I can assure you there is no monster under you be-" as Espio said that and looked underneath Cream bed there he saw a particular sight
Underneath the bed, was Orbot and Cubot, Metal Sonic, and Sage, all of them eating popcorn and all of them underneath
"You know we should have been quiet while eating this popcorn" said Orbot
"Hey! I was quiet, it's not my fault they heard me!" yelled out Cubot
"Does that mean Ms Vanilla won't be reading anymore?" questionly asked Sage
Espio, now reaching his limit of weird events, just stood up and looked at the worried vanilla, and slightly terrified Cream and told them.
"Cream……. Vanilla……. Just keep reading for them, thank you for your purchases of chaotix detective agencies services and good night" said Espio as he left the house hoping that whatever he saw was just the result of him not getting enough sleep
Flashback ends
"Yikes, never thought Metal got weirder after the shattering occured." Sonic said as he remembered the new folks and insanity that entered their world after the shattering remixed and mixed new reality to mobius.
"Rogue what got you pissed off?" Sonic said as he saw rogue entering the restaurant looking annoyed and angry
"Metal, being a pain in my ass that's what" gritted out Rogue as she angrily and poutingly sat at her seat and ate a chili dog reserved for her.
"Geeeze, what did he do to you this time?" Sonic asked Rogue
"Well I was merely "borrowing" some artifacts-
"You mean stealing museum property rogue" quipped Knuckles as he was eating some chili dogs, while listening to rogue story
"BORROWING as I was in a museum" said Rogue recounting her tale
"Allright, I got in the museum now, just gotta grab it and make sure no one sees me" whispered Rogue
And what was she stealing? Well a little birdy told her that apparently someone found a chaos emerald and decided to put it in the museum, and while he wasn't sure why, she was doing a valuable service by making sure such a valuable artifact such as that was in the right hands, and by right hands, she means hers.
Now she just needs to find where it is in this museum and-
As she was thinking about that she was shot at by a large net and splayed on one of those large abstract paintings.
And she saw who was the culprit, it was Metal and was wearing a guard badge and a guard cap and was near a fire alarm
What came next was a silent communication of warnings
Metal shaking his head yes
Rogue shaking her head no
Metal shakes his head even vigorously
Rogue shakes her head no in protest
Metal then pulled fire alarm and before he ran, just to both taunt and humiliate her, she then saw Metal pulled out the Chaos emerald in front of her, before slowly walking backwards as a portal opens up behind him and he disappear while the alarms were ringing.
"I managed to escape before I got caught by the cops, I WAS NEARLY CAUGHT BY THEM BECAUSE THAT STUPID ROBOT WAS TAUNTING ME" yelled out Rogue venting out her frustration to everyone at the table
"Drown yourself in some chili dogs then, should calm, yourself down" Sonic said as he had his 10th chili dog
"Say sonic? What is this place name anyway? These Chili dogs aren't bad?" Vector asked Sonic
"Hmm? Oh, this place, Tail's says it some new place that opened up recently, Metallico's churros, surprised a place selling churros also sells Chili dogs" Responded Sonic
"Yeah, I got this flyer from some guy in the city, who said this place was new and sold something called authentic Mexican food . i don't know what a mexican is, but the it does taste nice" Tails says confirming Sonic's story
"Say wouldn't it be funny that as we are telling our stories about encountering Metal in weird situations, this restaurant is also a weird place Metal got as well you know since the name Metallico sounds like a poor way of disguising metal in this place?" Charmy said while eating his own chili dog
"Yeah wouldn't that be a funny situation" sonic chuckled a bit if at the absurdity of the idea, after all He can't be everywhere right?
And as everyone else had chuckled at Charmy's silly idea, Charmy's little prediction turned out to be true, as lo and behold the next round of chili dogs was brought to their table and they saw an even more absurd site, was Metal wearing a sombrero with a name tag that said, "hi my name is Metallico" everyone stopped laughing and everybody looked tense and in attention, stood up and was ready to fight Metal.
"Say does anyone feel like there stomach feel weird" Charmy said as he felt something sour in his gut.
And sure enough the rest of the group felt that way and clutching their own stomachs, and as they were wondering why their feeling this way, metal deciding to remove off his sombrero and peel of his nametag and just shook a bottle of something and ran off but leaving the bottle, however there was one word that was written when it rolled near them "LAXATIVES".
"When I get My hands on him, he will be scrap metal!" Rogue yelled out clutching her stomach and heading to the washroom of this restaurant.
Sometime in Eggman's primary base
"You know, as your creator I should be worried that you're hanging out with that Majima person I hired" mused Eggman
"But on the other Hand, the fact that your both annoying and humiliating the hedgehog using skills that man taught makes me proud" said Eggman grinning at his creation humiliating that pesky hedgehog after hearing what Metal was up to.
Needless to say, much of Sonic's friends and associates swore vengeance on Metal after their bowels stop trying to expel everything in them while on the toilet.
AN: well, made another omake, and this time, the idea this time around was Majima Influencing Metal in weird ways and influencing him to be an even bigger annoyance to Sonic and co in ways like Majima's everywhere system, there might be two excrement jokes, but hope the execution and idea is fine.