Freshwater Aquarium Guide (2025)

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Ines Haouas

This study investigates the reproductive cycle, size at first sexual maturity and biochemical composition of Hexaplex trunculus from the Bizerte lagoon (northern Tunisia). Overall, females predominated over males, resulting in an unbalanced sex ratio of 1.2:1. Males dominated in the smaller size classes (< 40 mm shell length, SL), sex ratios were balanced at the 40 to 50 mm SL range, and females dominated in the larger size classes (> 50 mm SL). The gonad developmental stages and the gonadosomatic index (GSI) indicated that H. trunculus apparently has an annual reproductive cycle with extended periods of gonadal activity. In both sexes, examination of the appearance of the gonads showed that gamete release occurred mainly from March to May (with an apparent spawning between March and April), followed by a period of empty gonads between June and August. Sexual maturity occurred at smaller sizes in males (SL 50 = 41.02 mm SL) than in females (SL 50 = 50.47 mm SL). The contents of protein, lipids and carbohydrates were invariably greater in the gonads than in the foot, confirming the key role of the reproductive tissues in energetic storage. The monthly variation in protein, lipids and carbohydrates in the gonads followed the oscillation in the relative proportion of developed gonads and in the GSI, reflecting energetic mobilisation during maturation and spawning. Overall, the data gathered in this study constitutes valuable baseline information for making preliminary recommendations to the fishing community targeting H. trunculus in the Bizerte lagoon. Further studies and more solid data on the reproductive cycle of the species are required before definitive management measures for this locally important artisanal fishery can be proposed.

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The home breeders guide to marine invertebrates, an FAQ

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The Breeder's Registry, 1996

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Cover photos and design Cover pictures: Gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) in a floating cage, Italy, © FAO Aquaculture photo library / F. Cardia Cover design by A. Nastasi

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Mediterranean and Black Sea aquaculture plays an important social and economic role in the GFCM region. The sustainability of the sector is increasingly challenged by old and emerging issues which require innovative measures to address the economic, social, environmental and governance aspects involved. An appropriate way of measuring and monitoring progress towards the sustainability of the sector is the use of indicators. This Guide on the application of indicators for sustainable aquaculture in Mediterranean and Black Sea countries attempts to meet the need for a decision support tool for monitoring the sustainable development of aquaculture in all its dimensions, based on a set of practical indicators and reference points. It draws elements from the literature, from the outputs of the “Indicators for Sustainable Development of Aquaculture and Guidelines for their Use in the Mediterranean” (InDAM project) carried out in support to the GFCM CAQ Working Group on Sustainability in Aquaculture (WGSA) and funded by the European Union, as well as from other recent regional initiatives. The Guide covers a wide range of topics related to aquaculture sustainability, including its general background, purpose, main target users and inspiring principles. After an introduction to aquaculture and to the main issues linked to the concept of sustainability and its dimensions from an aquaculture perspective, it presents the definition and use of indicators in aquaculture within a sustainability analysis framework and describes the participatory process to identify, select and use indicators as well as the methodology applied for assessing and displaying the values of indicators. This document also provides an overview of other uses of indicators within the aquaculture sector. Finally, it provides, for reference, a glossary of the main technical terms as well as a minimum set of regional indicators to assess and monitor the sustainable development of aquaculture in the GFCM area

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Opportunities for Public Aquariums to Increase the Sustainability of the Aquatic Animal Trade

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Zoo Biology, 2013

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Austin Journal of Aquaculture and Marine Biology

Austin Publishing Group

Zooplankton community is cosmopolitan in nature and they inhabit all freshwater habitats of the world. The zooplankton diversity is one of the most important ecological parameters in water quality and biodiversity assessment because they are strongly affected by environmental conditions and respond quickly to changes in water quality. Zooplankton is the intermediate link between phytoplankton and fish. The qualitative and quantitative study of zooplankton is very importance in the plankton diversity. Hence the present investigation was carried out in the Thoppaiyar reservoir (Lat. 11°57'21 " N and Long. 78°6'28 " E) at Dharmapuri District, South India. The physico-chemical characteristics and zooplankton diversity were studied for a period of one year from December-2010 to November-2011. A total of 55 species of zooplankton were recorded, which includes 19 species of Rotifera, 13 species of Cladocera, 15 species of Copepoda and 8 species of Ostracoda. The population abundance of zooplankton was noticed in the following order: Rotifera > Copepoda > Cladocera > Ostracoda. The present study revealed that the zooplankton productivity was found to be rich in Thoppaiyar reservoir. Further it is concluded that the Thoppaiyar reservoir could be continuously utilized for aquaculture, if proper water quality management measures are adopted. depend on zooplankton for food during their larval phases and some fish continue to eat zooplankton in their entire lives [2]. The aquatic ecosystems are affected by several health stressors that significantly deplete biodiversity. Zooplankton species have different types of life histories influenced by seasonal variations of biotic factors, feeding ecology and predation pressure. In the future, a loss of biodiversity and its effects are predicted to be greater for aquatic ecosystems than for terrestrial ecosystems [3]. The zooplankton is also a valuable food source for planktivorous fish and other organisms. The presence or absence of healthy zooplankton populations can determine some commercial fisheries success in both fresh and salt water bodies. By insuring that the lower parts of the food chain are healthy, we can protect the higher ordered organisms, like fish, whales and even humans. Zooplankton has been used as an indicator for monitoring the water quality, trophic status and pollution level. Various ecological aspects of zooplankton have been a subject of study in India by several workers [4,5].The physico-chemical parameters and nutrient status of water body play an important role in governing the production of plankton which is the natural food of many species of fishes, especially zooplankton constitute important food source of many omnivorous and carnivorous fishes and also support the necessary amount of protein for the rapid growth of larval carps [6]. They respond quickly to aquatic environmental changes (e.g., water quality, such as pH, colour, odour and taste, etc.,) for their short life cycle, and are therefore Abbreviations %: Percentage; ° C: Degree of Celsius; µm: micrometer; µP: Microprocessor; AM: Ante Meridian; DO: Dissolved oxygen; E: East; EC: Electrical Conductivity; ind./l: Number of individual per litre; l: liter; mS: milli-Seamers; N: North; No. ind./l: Number of individual per litre; pH: power of Hydrogen; ppm: part per million; TDS: Total Dissolved solid

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The present paper summarizes a large part of the endangered and critically endangered fish species of the world. The list was constructed using the comprehensive IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (available in December 2008) and the well elaborated FISHBASE (available on the official website, in 2008) for taxonomy and accepted scientific names of the species. To these two important sources, many scientific papers and communications were added when recent and useful reports were found. However, there is a long way from the fish species list of this review to the world&#39;s complete list of endangered and critically endangered fish species. In our list were not included subspecies, populations, varieties, or species having a debatable taxonomic status. The scope of this review was not to inventorize all the fishes included in these two categories, but to make possible drawing some general conclusions regarding most important possible causes of fish species extinction and to make su...

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Freshwater Aquarium Guide (2025)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.